One of the most colorful and unique hobby-adjacent collectibles you can add to your collection is a circa 1941 Joe DiMaggio’s Restaurant Linen postcard. I picked up this variation and its souvenir envelope for just $27.

Ron Menchine wrote a few books on baseball postcards and said, “The most famous and probably the best of the brothers who have played baseball were the DiMaggios. They grew up near the San Francisco waterfront, so it’s not surprising that they parlayed their fame and money into a popular restaurant on Fishermen’s Wharf.”
The variation with the three brothers along the top has the following specs, according to Menchine in his 1999 Baseball Postcard Collection book:
- Publisher: Joe DiMaggio’s Restaurant, San Francisco, CA
- Manufacturer: Curt Teich Co., Chicago, IL
- Type: Linen
- Postmark: Not Used
- Value: $100-$150
The other variation of the restaurant’s postcard has two interior, an exterior, and a Joe DiMaggio picture on the front.

If you’re into graded items, PSA has graded four with interior views and seven with all the brothers, and SGC has added two of each of those copies. SGC also has two labeled as ‘Joe DiMaggio’ in their Pop Report, but I think those are old-flip three-brother combos, like the following example. I’ve also seen a Beckett slabbed postcard before.