When the Rose Bowl Moved East: The 1942 Rose Bowl Program And Tickets

Here’s one of the most gorgeous pieces of sports memorabilia: an extremely rare 1942 Rose Bowl Program for Duke vs. Oregon State, played in Durham, N.C.

Wikipedia explains why the game was moved to North Carolina:

Originally scheduled for the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California, it was moved to Durham, North Carolina, due to fears about an attack by the Japanese on the West Coast of the United States following the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The federal government prohibited large public gatherings on the West Coast for the duration of World War II; the first significant canceled event was the Rose Bowl Game scheduled for New Year’s Day, 1942.

I’ve seen the programs sell for between $300 and $600. There’s also a lot of related memorabilia you can pick up; for example, Huggins and Scott sold this pair of unused tickets intended for the game in Pasadena for $286 back in 2015.

Huggins & Scott also sold this PSA-graded ticket for the game on the East Coast for $189 in December 2013.

Both tickets are probably pricier today, given the run-up in ticket collecting’s popularity as a hobby.

Happy collecting!