I’ve previously shared Hank Aaron’s 1961 Topps signed check and contract, well, here’s his 1954 Topps Gum Company Check that includes his rookie year signature!

Mastro offered the signed check in its August 2002 Sports & Americana Premier Catalog Auction. Unfortunately the pictures in the catalog are rather small; here’s the back:

And here’s the lots complete description from the catalog:
An official “Topps Chewing Gum Inc.” check that is dated 8/5/54 and made out to “Henry Aaron” in the amount of $10.00. The payment made is for use of Aaron’s image during the 1955 season, but the signature is pure “rookie year” in appearance. On the reverse is the “Henry Aaron” signature, as well as the printed agreement between Topps and Aaron for the rights to use his image for the 1955 cards. Although fully readable, the signature is affected by the check’s fold and by several cancellation stampings. LOA from Mike Gutierrez/MastroNet.
PS, another cool Topps check I’ve shared is Bill Russell’s 1957-58 Topps basketball card canceled paycheck.
Happy collecting!